sexta-feira, 10 de maio de 2019

Mais ciclovias = mais ciclistas

The Guardian avisa: “Se o governo constrói ciclovias, a quantidade de ciclistas aumenta”. Prover a cidade de ciclovias é bom para todos, como afirma o jornal, bom para quem caminha, quem dirige, bom para o transporte público e bom para quem respira.
Cycle lanes are one of the most efficient and healthiest ways of moving people. A single bike lane can transport five times as many people as a motor traffic lane, without the air and noise pollution. This is good news for everyone, whether you drive, walk or cycle – or breathe.
What’s clear from the data, though – despite occasional bizarre claims to the contrary, and attempts to have lanes removed – is that to reap cycling’s benefits you have to build proper infrastructure. But if you build it, they will come – and the cycle counters prove it.
2018 was a record year for cycle lane usage in the UK, thanks to the construction of new, high-quality cycle tracks, the growing popularity of existing routes and good networks that feed into those routes.