O domingo amanheceu chovendo, entre chuva forte e chuvisco, essa variação. Lá pelas nove horas, o sol apareceu forte, a chuva foi embora, as ruas até começavam a secar. Saí com a bicicleta confiado de que não choveria mais. Segui passeando, sem pressa, para o bairro de Peixinhos, passei na frente do Matadouro, prédio bonito mas sem cuidados, semi-destruído. Segui para Olinda, subi na cidade pelo Guadalupe. A cidade já está toda em clima de carnaval. Mas Olinda está se convertendo em um cenário - assim como a praia do Forte, na Bahia, e a praia de Porto de Galinhas, em Pernambuco. Os moradores vão saindo, vendendo suas casas, e as lojas de coisinhas para turistas proliferam. Além da impressionante multiplicação de artistas e ateliês. Parece que em Olinda todo mundo é artista.
Sol forte e muitos ciclistas fazendo o circuito das ladeiras. Voltei para o Recife e meu caminho me levou a passar pelo bairro do Recife. Quando eu estava indo para o bairro, as nuvens muito negras estavam vindo do mar. Havia tempo de fazer meia-volta e me recolher à casa, mas resolvi desafiar a certeza da chuva. Fui ao Marco Zero e ainda havia sol no lado esquerdo e nuvens escuras no direito.
A turistada ia e vinha, mas um certo casal me impressionou por simbolizar tudo que não gosto no turismo. Aliás, venho dizendo há algum tempo que deixei de ser turista para ser viajante.
Esse casal desceu de um carro nas imediações - ela com corpo, modo de andar e cabelo muito semelhantes aos de uma pessoa que conheci. Penso que pela semelhança é que fiquei observando os dois. Eles tiraram cinco fotos e não passaram mais de cinco minutos na praça do Marco Zero. Foi o tempo de eu tomar uma água de coco. Algumas fotos perto da água, algumas fotos com os edifícios antigos ao fundo. E foram embora. É possível que eles digam depois que conheceram o bairro do Recife, a praça do Marco Zero.
Começou um chuvisco. O povo começou a se esconder e sair. Somente um rapaz com um guarda-chuva colorido como sombrinha de frevo ficou na praça, encostado ao gradil, com o vento e a chuva fustigando. Eu que não iria esperar a chuva passar, então segui para casa. A chuva engrossou e pingos muito grossos. Cheguei em casa um pinto molhado.
(The Sunday dawned rainy, between rain and drizzle, this variation. About nine o'clock, the sun came out strong, the rain is gone, the streets began to dry up. I took my bicycle and I left home. I went walking, unhurriedly, to the district Peixinhos, I spent in front of former Slaughterhouse, beautiful building but without care, semi-destroyed. After, I went to Olinda. The whole city is already in a carnival atmosphere. But Olinda is turning into a scenery – like Forte Beach, in Bahia, and Porto de Galinhas Beach, in Pernambuco. Residents sells their houses and tourists shops proliferates. Apart from the impressive proliferation of artists and studios, it seems that everyone is artist, in Olinda.
Strong sun and many bikers making the circuit of the hills. I went back to Recife and my path led me to downtown. Very dark clouds were coming from the sea. I decided to challenge the rain certainty. I went to Marco Zero Square and still it has sun at left and dark clouds at right.
The tourists came and went, but certain couple impressed me for symbolize all that I do not like tourism. I've been saying I stopped being a tourist to being a traveler.
This couple fell from a car nearby – woman’s body, her gait and hair were very similar to one girl I knew. They took five pics and they did not spend more than five minutes in Marco Zero Square. Some photos around water, some pictures with the old buildings in background. And they went away. It is possible after they say they knew neighborhood of Recife, Marco Zero Square.
It got a drizzle. The people began to leave and hide. Only a guy with a colorful umbrella like as frevo umbrella was in square. I would not expect rain to pass, then headed for home. Rain very thick. I got home completely wet.)
(The Sunday dawned rainy, between rain and drizzle, this variation. About nine o'clock, the sun came out strong, the rain is gone, the streets began to dry up. I took my bicycle and I left home. I went walking, unhurriedly, to the district Peixinhos, I spent in front of former Slaughterhouse, beautiful building but without care, semi-destroyed. After, I went to Olinda. The whole city is already in a carnival atmosphere. But Olinda is turning into a scenery – like Forte Beach, in Bahia, and Porto de Galinhas Beach, in Pernambuco. Residents sells their houses and tourists shops proliferates. Apart from the impressive proliferation of artists and studios, it seems that everyone is artist, in Olinda.
Strong sun and many bikers making the circuit of the hills. I went back to Recife and my path led me to downtown. Very dark clouds were coming from the sea. I decided to challenge the rain certainty. I went to Marco Zero Square and still it has sun at left and dark clouds at right.
The tourists came and went, but certain couple impressed me for symbolize all that I do not like tourism. I've been saying I stopped being a tourist to being a traveler.
This couple fell from a car nearby – woman’s body, her gait and hair were very similar to one girl I knew. They took five pics and they did not spend more than five minutes in Marco Zero Square. Some photos around water, some pictures with the old buildings in background. And they went away. It is possible after they say they knew neighborhood of Recife, Marco Zero Square.
It got a drizzle. The people began to leave and hide. Only a guy with a colorful umbrella like as frevo umbrella was in square. I would not expect rain to pass, then headed for home. Rain very thick. I got home completely wet.)